At last! I have got my blog up and running.
It’s been a journey to get to this place. It’s been a good journey, but a distance to travel nonetheless. This is a place to write my heart out, to share with you and to serve you.
I find myself writing blogging notes on my iphone, my ipad, pieces of paper, documents on my laptop, and generally overflowing everywhere. I sometimes even sit in my dressing room at night (when I am supposed to be sleeping, and so as not to wake the man of my dreams), and think and write.
So I write to reflect, to learn, to grow, to live, to lead and to share that journey with you. I blog about leadership, coaching and women’s issues.
A Small Part of My Journey
Cancer has been, and continues to be the uninvited stranger in our home for nearly eight years now.
My husband was diagnosed with Stage 2 prostate cancer in the same week my father died and my daughter miscarried twins, conceived through in vitro fertilization.
There were times I wanted to cry out, to be left alone, to wallow in self-pity. I struggled with issues of faith and God’s sovereignty.
I have asked, what was the purpose in all of this?
Leaders Lead
In this time period, my husband and I were studying leadership from a biblical perspective and this is what I came to see:
- That leaders grow exponentially through times of trouble and suffering
- That leaders are in God’s crucible often, being refined and purified
- That leaders continue to lead when they are being pressured
- That leaders search out biblical answers to difficult questions
- That leaders continue in the grace of God no matter what the season
- That leaders glorify God in the whole of life
- That God’s ultimate purpose for a leader is her own salvation
Since that time period in my life I have completed a Masters degree in leadership and coaching and continue to pursue hard after God and his will in my life.
Find your Voice
I also want to share with you that for many years did not consider myself a leader in my own right, even though:
- I was raising children (leading their hearts and choices every day)
- I was leading ministries in the local church (as the pastor’s wife)
- I was leading the women’s ministry in the church
- I was learning and growing in my leadership style
- I was adding value to all I did through who I was
I had to come to the place of taking charge of my personal leadership development, and stop making excuses for who I am.
So while my journey is about me, it’s also about you (see 2 Cor 1:3-5). I am passionate about seeing others develop in the Lord Jesus Christ into their gifts, and reach more fully into their potential in all the phases of their lives.
What is your voice in the world, and how do you want to use it?
Leave a comment and let’s talk.